audio-sound @ hatena

An audio review & news blog. The volume should not exceed 80 dB is recommended. I usually adhere to the safe-listening style by WHO. Please note that my aural impressions and interpretations of measurements are also made from a safe-listening style.


(Monitor Headphones Review) SONY MDR-MV1: Spatial expression monitors that emphasize localization in accordance with the era of stereophonic sound

The SONY MDR-MV1 is a monitor headphone designed by SONY with a particular focus on spatial expression capability, and it excels in localization and detail reproduction. the sound is clearly distinct from the previous generation of monitor…

SONY MDR-MV1: A new generation standard studio monitor proposed by SONY for the stereophonic era

The MDR-MV1 is an ambitious new model that proposes new values while maintaining the essence of monitor headphones that accurately reproduce sound. By maximizing the performance of the new "360 Virtual Mixing Environment" technology, which…