audio-sound @ hatena

An audio review & news blog. The volume should not exceed 80 dB is recommended. I usually adhere to the safe-listening style by WHO. Please note that my aural impressions and interpretations of measurements are also made from a safe-listening style.

(Linsoul) Mid-Year Shopping Carnival 2023: The season of big sales is coming!


June is here and it's time for summer to begin! Linsoul is hosting its annual 618 Mid-Year Shopping Carnival 2023. The event will run from June 12 to 18, and will feature specially selected earphones and audio products at promotional prices for one week only. Shop and enjoy exclusive deals while enjoying summer music!


In addition to special sale prices on products during the sale, a special "Summer Exclusive Card" will be available during the pre-sale period.


For more information on the sale, please click here.